Setting Goals for an Amazing 2023
Can you believe the new year is here? If you said “No!” you are in good co
mpany. I don’t know about you, but time seems to be on zoom speed most of the time right now. Yes! Zoomis an official measurement of speed. Usually, the years come and go and I don’t give much thought to goals or resolutions, but in 2022 I read a few books about creating habits. So as 2022 came to a close I spent time writing out goals as well as weekly/monthly measures to help me knock them out of the park. If you want to join me, I am going to give you 5 tips and tricks that will set you up for an amazing 2023. Are you ready???
- Create Your Vision Board
Like I said I read books about habits last year and a common thread I heard was, what you focus on expands. This is one of the driving principles of the Law of Attraction. Focus on what you want to attract in your life by creating a visual representation of your goals and dreams. This isn’t something new for most of us and I understand the stop could be the how do you complete one. When you create your board remember there are no rules. Know what works best for you. Y’all let’s keep this simple. You can use magazines, cut out pictures and create a collage of your dreams. Not a crafty person? Go online, copy/paste pics that show your goals and dreams and print it out. It doesn’t matter how you do it… just do something to bring your dreams alive visually! Shoot you can even just write words all over a page or draw, if you are so inclined. I am not an artist so online and magazines is my way to go. It doesn’t matter… just make it YOURS! So now you have a completed vision board, the key to this creating. Change and success is to place it somewhere you will see it EVERYDAY. Keep it front and center in your mind… no back burner living folks. That is the road to regret, and we don’t do that here.
- System of Achievement
Once you know your goals decide what actions you will need to accomplish your goals. For example, if your goal is to drop 10 pounds your actions will probably involve working out and meal planning. Identifying the actions required for a goal is the difference between dreaming of your goals and achieving them. If the needed actions don’t make it to your calendar, then you are in dream land and may not end the year where you want to be. We all need a little tough love sometimes. May be hard to hear but if you are tired of not getting to where you want to go the hard lessons are necessary! Intention is the beginning… ACTION drives it home!
- Create a Schedule of Actions
I haven’t always been good at scheduling. As a Realtor I make my own schedule. That was one of the hardest things for me to adjust to as I started that journey. I have started using time block method in my calendar and schedule EVERYTHING! If it isn’t on your schedule, it doesn’t. exist. New to time blocking? Start by tracking ALL your activities for a few days. Those 2 hours with friends… Track it, sitting watching TV… Track it, FB surfing… you guessed it Track it! Often we don’t accomplish things because we run out of time, but truthfully it is because we didn’t steward the time we have appropriately. You have the same 168 hours in a week that I do. Begin your week planning how you will spend every hour of your time. Mid-week adjust anything that isn’t working so you stay on track. At the end of the week evaluate what needs to be changed for the next coming week. Become a well-oiled machine!!!
- Reward Yourself
So now you have created a visual board, determined actions needed and planned those actions in your calendar. It is time for you to determine rewards as you accomplish mini goals through the week. For me it is the 3 hours of football on Sunday. If I want to be able to sit guilt free eating my weekly nacho tray, I must make sure I made the calls I needed to make during the week and completed my workouts/step goals. If not, well guess I need to get to work and complete those THEN enjoy the game. Make the reward something you earn for completing a task that is hard for you to accomplish. That burger for date night? Reward for. Eating 3 salads during the week. Having the ability to enjoy life guilt free is part of having an amazing year. I know it seems that we live in an instant gratification world, but that kind of gratification doesn’t always bring happiness. True happiness is usually delayed by consistently doing the things we need to do, even if they are hard and unpleasant sometimes. Doesn’t that sound amazing? True happiness? Need help getting there??
- Share those goals… with EVERYONE!
No closet goals people! Share them and celebrate your achievements no matter how small they may seem. We do not celebrate our wins enough, but rather look at what we haven’t done. Remember what you focus on expands. Focus on your accomplishments! Let’s make 2023 the year of Celebration. YOU CAN DO IT! Believe in yourself. Surround yourself with people who believe in you!
Dream Big! Plan to Achieve! Act According to Plan! Celebrate EVERY Achievement!
Comment below with YOUR BHAG…
and let us celebrate with you every step of your journey!